

amore... mp3


Various Artists - THE WEDDING PRESENT A-Z:

a collection of 13 bands & musicians from around the globe to pay tribute to one of the best bands to ever come out of the U.K. the songs were recorded between the late Nineties and 2019. ? min.

it was also originally meant to be a series of thirteen split 7"s, but what with the $ that would cost & the decrease in popularity of vinyl since the mid-nineties (yrs truly knows there are exceptions out there! keep fighting the power!), we decided to settle for compact disc.

in April 2007, BSBTA released a taste-whetter of the 11 songs in the can so far as part of their Subscriber Series called 'Adored Tea Quibble Arouses the Attache.'

AB. The Co-Conspirators - "Brassneck"
CD. The Also Rans "Dare" (more info here)
EF. Martin FINKE - "Octopussy" (more info here)
GH. YouNoLoveBunny - "Interstate 5"
IJ. The Pedestrians Pets "A Million Miles"
KL. sfu-ma-to - "Heather"
MN. Grumpy Bear - "2, 3, Go"
OP. Manipulator Alligator - "Ringway to Seatac"
QR. Le Man Avec Les Lunettes - "Venus"
ST. Sciflyer - "No"
UV. Sonnixx & Cherr - "Kennedy"
WX. Curtains Afire - "Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft"
YZ. Nicolash - "Suck"

it can be downloaded for about 7 Euro (or more if you like!) here.

price: 7 Euros, $8 USD, $10 CND, 60 DKK, etc. add 1 Euro or equivalent for shipping.

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