the unfamous open-doored collective improvisational experiment.

a loose posse who has performed five times so far - once at The Bottom of The Hill in San Franciscy back in late 2000, once at a house show in Kobenhavn, Danmark (if memory serves), once in Washington D.(on't) C.(ry) in January 2005 as part of dcPEACEfest05, once spontaneously after a sfu-ma-to show in Tel Aviv in July 2006, and once at the Paradigm Coffeehouse in Sheboygan WI, complete with organ-type thingy. started by Lars RO in the late nineties, name pulled from a line of Bob KAUFMAN's explosive poetry. go team!

we're on myspace too.

shows (& tells):

Thu. 23 July 2009: sfu ma to, PROXY KICKY TRICKS, Lars RO (reading poems), & ? at a benefit show for Lars' participation in the World March for Peace & Nonviolence at Det Poetiske Bureau in København N, Danmark. Griffenfeldsgade 52. 20:00, prix libre (donate what you can!). thanks!!!

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