
SFU-MA-TO - pockets of resistance

resist! mp3

ughCD006 / BSBTA #93

SFU-MA-TO - pockets of resistance (1998-2004):

a rerelease of 8 of the best songs the band has ever produced & 5 rare tracks. a singles/B-sides type compilation including the las zadan e.p., the long-awaited reissuing of 'the psi e.p.' 7" & several more gems! yip yip! co-release with BSBTA. 67 min.

1. "what keeps you up at night?"
2. "wave of murmurings 2003"
3. "spandex treetops 2003"
4. "solitude 2003"
5. "luxury of crete"
6. "long tall sally 1999"
7. "i can taste it 1999"
8. "chicago song 1999"
9. "welcome to Fallujah"
10. "wave of murmurings 2001"
11. "psycho-motorique"
12. "long tall sally (live)"
13. "brush my teeth"

here is Lars RO's rant which was originally meant to be included with the CD as an insert:

It's an "anti-rebel offensive." And yes, I am offended. I find it very offensive. I'm also a rebel, a "soul rebel," as Bob MARLEY phrased it. So I am particularly unappreciative of offenses committed against us rebels.

Their pragmatic, meaningless soundbyte for their foes is "pockets of resistance." "U.S. Targets Pockets of Resistance." The difficulty is that so-called 'pockets of resistance' are EVERYWHERE. There are up to six billion of us. That's a lot of pockets. Every human being, every human soul, every human heart, every human mind is a pocket of resistance. Just because BUSH and CHENEY and ROVE and WOLFOWITZ and BREMER and RICE have apparently swallowed the bitter pill and sacrificed their humanity, does not mean that the rest of us will follow.

"There are no high-fives yet," says U.S. Lt. Col. Gareth BRANDL. "This thing's not over." No, Mister BRANDL, THIS THING IS NOT OVER. It's not a fucking "thing." It's not a fucking football game. Are you honestly telling us that you and your cocky, murdering U.S. Marines are going to be slapping each other high-fives to celebrate when your Fallouja "thing" is "over?" Fuck you, you heartless, pathetic, macho piece of excrement. Are you an utterly useless waste of human life or do you just play one on TV? High-fives. Are you honestly telling us that you and your Marine buddies are going to be hooting and hollering to celebrate that you were ignorant enough to be sent as mercenaries of death, to occupy another people's land, and to kill thousands of innocent civilian men, women, and children? And for what? For lies about 'weapons of mass destruction,' for lies about ties to Al-Qaeda and Sptember 11th, for lies about the threat their country posed, for lies that "Iraq will be free"(1) from a dictator whom WE installed, kept in power, armed, and encouraged to wage war on his neighbours as well as his own oppressed people, for lies that "the world will be more secure?"(2)

Go slap your high-fives (though it makes me sick to my stomach) - if you live to do so. Just don't delude yourself that BUSH and his cronies give a rat's ass whether or not you come home in a coffin. You know what? They won't even have the decency or backbone to show your homecoming coffin on the TV news. How's that for 'supporting the troops?' They'll even 'lead' us to believe that you are only the 23rd American soldier to die, while circa 1,600 'insurgents' have been killed. If you die, or end up a psychiatric cripple like countless other veterans, they don't care. If the entire Iraqi and Iranian and Palestinian populations (I could go on) are exterminated in the process of 'exporting democracy' to them, they don't care. If we succeed in polluting and poisoning our planet into the shithole of the Universe, they don't care. Caring is apparently no longer allowed under the New World Order.

A word of clarification. There are 'rebels' or 'insurgents' or 'extremists' or 'fanatics' or 'holdouts' or 'sorry losers' who fight with guns and bullets, and then there are those of us who use love, compassion, hope, vision, spirit, heart, and soul. There are violent 'pockets of resistance,' and then there are non-violent 'pockets of resistance.' Freedom fighters in Fallouja who resort to force do so because they are sick and tired of being raped, pillaged, occupied, and lied to by heartless Americans (and Brits) and their puppet dictator, Saddam HUSSEIN (not to mention 13 years of crippling sanctions). They are understandably frustrated and incensed by all of this. Regretfully, they have chosen to match force with force, violence with violence, death with death. GANDHI advocated the use of force - SOUL-FORCE, or 'satyaagraha.' That is what I urge us to use as a weapon of mass construction. If he were still around (in the flesh) - if Martin Luther KING, Jr. were still alive - would they call upon us to submit to BUSH and his monsters? To throw in the towel, bury our head in the sand like good, 'moral' Americans, close our eyes, ears, mouths, and hearts and go back to sleep? NO!!! They would urge us to resist peacefully! Not passively, but actively - 'active non-violence' in GANDHI's terms.

Persist, rebels, persist!!!

(1) George W. BUSH.
(2) Ibid.
"U.S. Closes In, but Fallouja's Rebels Persist," Los Angeles Times (Valley edition), 14 November 2004, p. A1 & A16

it can be streamed here on youtube. 2 of the 13 tracks (so far) can be downloaded here on some of the others were downloadable here on, but that seems not to have the funk anymo.

price: 7 EUR, $8 USD, $10 CND, 60 DKK, etc. add 2 EUR or equivalent for shipping.

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