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(otherwise known as)

LAMPshADe; mignonschmucknaxsetpawbenoitpungkilgoretroutballistichootytootyhitlerdidn'tcare hehadcurlyhair?verkrampteobiwansushiblinkyleitmotifblowupdollrayflabbergastbinge&purgevishu! menachembegenudgang

that's them! that's them again!

Justin, Lars, & Goo @ J.C. Dobbs 1995 --------------------------------------------------------- Lars & Justin @ Talking Doghouse 15.07.93 (thanks Jay!)

this thundering blast of indie-rock with transcendent female vocals lived in Philadelphia (when they weren't away at school/overseas, living in Washington D.C., San Francisco, etc.). they were, from left to right:

Lars: electric bass & vocals. (now in SFU-MA-TO et al)
Goo: vocal ecstacy, electric & acoustic guitar. (now goes by Catherine FEENY & plays in COME GATHER ROUND US)
Mike, then Scott, then Kyle: drums.
Justin: e. guitar.

LAMPshADe; has a song on the Two (2) Peters Records 7" compilation, PARADE OF HOMES.
they also have a song on the L'Affection Affection cassette compilation right here on purderous magina records.
their one and only full length is a cassette called KOU TWIFH EE ZUPANZ TAUIN. it spans a total of 45 minutes, all the way from their first single, "on the right", to the Ed HOGARTY from LEFTY'S DECEIVER engineered "spa city diner", to a large chunk of home recorded to 1 track improvisation from the summer of 1996. you won't regret it...

LAMPshADe; formed during the summer of 1993. due to our academic careers, we only came together during the summer. click here for an account, a chart, an expression of their geographic meanderings. many passed through our ranks, including our first 2 drummers, Mike (later of MANTA RAY) and Scott (now of CARBON LEAF), and Jay on vocals. the last man overboard was Kyle, drummer extraordinaire, who left for greyer pastures, wreaking havoc on this very web in N.Y.C. thanks also go out to Eric BAJTELSMIT (vocals, chords, & jack daniels vomit, also of MANTA RAY), Rob VIOLA (drums), Mark POWELL of NICK L' NIP (drums), Casey JONES (e. guitar, of KAM FONG), and Pcarolyn (cello).

click here for some lyrics for yr reading pleasure...

or click here for the LAMPshADe; tour diary, for yr reading & laughing pleasure...

(we played as far North as Boston, as far South as Chapel Hill, as far East as Princeton, and as far West as Harrisburg).

the best comparison that i ever heard was to slint.

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